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Jakarta EE 10 is a major release of the Jakarta EE platform, which provides a comprehensive set of APIs and services for developing and deploying Enterprise Java applications. Jakarta EE 10 includes a number of new features and improvements over Jakarta EE 9, including:

  • Support for Java 11 and 17:

    Jakarta EE 10 requires Java 11 as the minimum supported version of Java. This means that applications developed on Jakarta EE 10 will be able to take advantage of the latest features and performance improvements in Java 11. Java 17 support is also available.

  • 20 Specifications updated:

    Jakarta EE 10 includes a number of improvements to existing specifications, including:

    • Jakarta CDI 4.0: including CDI-Lite that enables build time extensions.
    • Jakarta Security 3.0: supporting OpenID Connect.
    • Jakarta Servlet 6.0: for simplified programming and improved security.
    • Jakarta Faces (JSF) 4.0: with a modernized API using CDI.
    • Jakarta EL 5.0: a standard way to evaluate expressions in Java code.
    • Jakarta JSON Binding 3.0: with new support for polymorphic types.
    • Jakarta Annotations 2.1
    • Jakarta Batch 2.1
    • Jakarta Messaging 3.1
    • Jakarta Persistence 3.1: standardizing UUID as Basic Type and extending Query language and Query API.
    • Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1: standardizes a Java SE Bootstrap API and standard support for multipart/form-data.
    • Jakarta Concurrency 3.0: moved to the Web Profile and enhances parallel and reactive programming models available to applications

Jakarta EE 10 is a major release that provides a number of new features and improvements that can help developers to build more powerful and efficient enterprise Java applications.

Implementation Roadmaps

The following components and implementations are some of the compatible products according to the list available at

Implementation Version (Compatible with Jakarta EE 10) Available
Eclipse GlassFish 7.0 (download) now
FUJITSU Software Enterprise Application Platform 1.1.0 (download) now
IBM WebSphere Liberty, Java 17 (download), Java 11 (download)
Open Liberty, Java 17 (download), Java 11 (download)
Payara Server Community 6.2023.7 (download)
6.2023.7 (download)
Payara Server Enterprise 6.4.0 (download) now
WildFly 27.0.0.Alpha5, Java 17 (download)
27.0.0.Alpha5, Java 11 (download)

Jakarta EE 10 Full Release

Jakarta EE 10 was released on September 22, 2022. More details can be found at

Name Description
javax.activation JavaBeansTM Activation Framework
javax.annotation Common Annotations for the Java Platform
javax.batch Batch Applications for the Java Platform
javax.decorator Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java
javax.ejb Enterprise JavaBeans
javax.el Expression Language
javax.enterprise Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java
javax.enterprise.concurrent Concurrency Utilities for Java EE
javax.faces JavaServer Faces
javax.inject Dependency Injection for Java
javax.interceptor Interceptors
javax.jms Java Message Service
javax.json Java API for JSON Processing
javax.json.bind Java API for JSON Binding
javax.jws Implementing Enterprise Web Services
javax.mail JavaMail
javax.persistence Java Persistence API
javax.resource Java EE Connector Architecture Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers (JASPIC) Java EE Security API Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC)
javax.servlet Java Servlet
javax.servlet.jsp JavaServer Pages
javax.servlet.jsp.jstl Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages (JSTL)
javax.transaction Java Transaction API (JTA)
javax.validation Bean Validation
javax.websocket Java API for WebSocket Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)
javax.xml.bind Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)
javax.xml.soap SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS)

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