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Enterprise applications typically require persistence for data storage. The specification is foundational for many technologies since relational databases are widely used within the industry. The Jakarta Persistence specification, also known as Jakarta Persistence API (JPA), encompasses a number of APIs that facilitate the creation, reading, updating, and deletion of data within data stores. The specification provides an Entity Manager API which is used to facilitate the lifecycle of entities within an application. The Query and TypedQuery APIs are used to retrieve data utilizing both static and dynamic queries. The Metamodel API enables the ability to obtain metadata regarding managed entities and persistence objects. Lastly, the Criteria API provides a means for defining queries through the use of object based query objects to perform strongly-typed queries.

The APIs that are part of Jakarta Persistence work together to form a powerful solution for mapping Java classes to database tables and creating, reading, updating, and deleting data. Although the specification is quite large and there are many capabilities that provide developers with fine grained control over entity classes and their data, it is also very easy to get started with basic object mapping and querying. This document will provide a brief overview of Jakarta Persistence, and you are encouraged to look at the full specification documentation for more detail on each of the APIs.

Configuring Jakarta Persistence

Jakarta Persistence is included in the Jakarta EE Platform and Jakarta EE Web Profile. If using the platform or web profile, there is no need to add Jakarta Persistence as a separate dependency. However, if adding individual specifications, the following Maven dependency should be added to include Jakarta Persistence:


In order to connect to a database, it must be registered with the application via an XML configuration file known as the persistence.xml. There are a couple of different ways to register the database. The database connection information can be provided within the application server container. The application server would then provide a JNDI connection name which can be registered to applications within the persistence.xml. Alternatively, all database connection information can be defined within the persistence.xml directly. The benefit of registering the database within the application server container is that the credentials do not need to be entered into the persistence.xml, as the application server manages database connectivity. The following XML demonstrates how to register an application server defined data source to an application within the persistence context:

<persistence version="3.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <!-- Define Persistence Unit -->
    <persistence-unit name="PetServicePU" transaction-type="JTA">

Overview of Example

In order to demonstrate how Jakarta Persistence maps database tables to Java entity classes, this paper uses an example database schema. The schema was developed for creation with Apache Derby, but it should be easily transportable for use with other databases. In this example, a pet database is used to store pet types, pets, and the pet owners. The database schema is created using the following SQL:

create table PET_TYPE (

create table PET_OWNER (

create table PET (
NAME       VARCHAR(100),

There are three tables in the schema. The PET_TYPE table contains the type of pet, the PET_OWNER table contains the owner information, and the PET table contains the information about the pet. The PET table relates to both the PET_TYPE and PET_OWNER tables.

Mapping Entities to Database Tables

Database tables can be mapped directly to Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) that contain special annotations for Jakarta Persistence. These classes are called entity classes. A single table typically maps to a single entity class, and the columns of a table map to the fields declared within the entity class. However, in advanced cases it is possible to map entities in different ways to make the data more flexible. The entity class must contain the equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods. There are a large number of annotations that can be used to customize entity classes in order to achieve the database mapping solution to suit the needs of the task. This article will only provide a brief overview of some of the most widely used annotations.

The @Table annotation is used to specify the database table name to which the entity class maps. Any relational database table that will be used with Jakarta Persistence must contain a primary key, which will map to a field annotated with @Id within the entity class. By default, database column names map directly to the field that are declared within an entity class using camelcase field names rather than underscores. However, a field name may be different than that of the corresponding database column so long as the field name is annotated with @Column(name="THE_FIELD_NAME").

Considering the example database schema, the following entity class would map to the PET_OWNER database table:

@Table(name = "PET_OWNER")
public class PetOwner implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    @Basic(optional = false)
    @Column(name = "ID")
    private Integer id;
    @Column(name = "FIRST_NAME")
    private String firstName;
    @Column(name = "LAST_NAME")
    private String lastName;
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "petOwner")
    private Collection<Pet> petCollection;

    public PetOwner() {

    public PetOwner(Integer id) { = id;

    // Accessor methods removed for brevity…

    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 0;
        hash += (id != null ? id.hashCode() : 0);
        return hash;

    public boolean equals(Object object) {
        if (!(object instanceof PetOwner)) {
            return false;
        PetOwner other = (PetOwner) object;
        if (( == null && != null) || ( != null && ! {
            return false;
        return true;

    public String toString() {
        return "org.eclipse.jakartapets.entity.PetOwner[ id=" + id + " ]";

Entity Relationships

Relational databases are built around the idea of breaking down data types into their simplest form possible, and creating tables to hold the data. Since tables correlate to simple form (aka: first normal form), oftentimes it takes more than one table to store the data associated along with corresponding attribute data. Relating tables to each other is also known as “joining” the tables, usually by providing a column(s) to hold the key(s) for the related tables. Entity classes can also provide relationships to other entities in a similar manner.

There are a number of ways to relate entity classes to each other, typically using one of the following relationship annotations: @OneToOne, @OneToMany, @ManyToOne, or @ManyToMany. Applying these annotations on entity class fields enables one to join entity classes to each other and thereby obtain access to related data via the use of accessor methods. Typically when using these annotations, attributes are used to specify the database columns which are used to store the keys for the related table. The following extract from an entity class shows how to relate the PET database table to the PET_OWNER database table. To begin, the PET table needs a PET_OWNER column added to it to hold the primary key of the corresponding OWNER_ID database record.

@JoinColumn(name = "PET_OWNER", referencedColumnName = "OWNER_ID")
    private PetOwner petOwner;

In the case of the example database schema, the OWNER_ID column is a foreign key for the ID column of the PET_OWNER table. There can be more than one PET for a single PET_OWNER. In this case, the @ManyToOne annotation should be applied to the petOwner field of the Pet entity class. It is important to note that one may specify a fetch type with the entity relationship annotations, which dictates how the data from related tables is retrieved. Fetch type options are EAGER and LAZY. The default FetchType for each is as follows:

  • @ManyToMany: FetchType.LAZY
  • @ManyToOne: FetchType.EAGER
  • @OneToMany: FetchType.LAZY
  • @OneToOne: FetchType.EAGER

By design, Jakarta Persistence enables developers to create polymorphic associations and polymorphic queries. This provides the ability for entity classes to contain embedded classes, subclasses, etc., in advanced situations where beneficial.


As mentioned previously, any database table that maps to an entity class is required to have a primary key. Generators are a means for allowing entity classes to automatically generate a primary key field value. In many cases, databases use sequences to create new keys. Database sequences are auto-incrementing numbers which are generated by the database for each row of a database table, and use of sequences is the most efficient way to generate a primary key in terms of performance. Generators can be developed using one of the following techniques:

  • AUTO: Persistence provider determines how to generate the number
  • IDENTITY: Relies upon database to automatically increment with each insertion
  • SEQUENCE: Relies upon a database sequence to generate the number
  • TABLE: Simulates a sequence using by storing the numeric value in a database table

The following code demonstrates how to configure a generator using a database sequence:

    @SequenceGenerator(name="pet_owner_s_generator",sequenceName="pet_owner_s", allocationSize=1)

Entity Manager

An entity manager must be obtained from within an application resource and it is responsible for executing queries and returning data. Typically the persistence context contains configuration for a persistence unit. After a persistence unit has been configured, an entity manager can be injected into a resource via the @PersistenceContext annotation, and as such, it will reference the configured persistence context. New in Jakarta EE 10, Entity Manager now implements java.lang.AutoCloseable so that it will be automatically closed when no longer required. The following lines demonstrate how to inject the persistence context.

@PersistenceContext(unitName = "PetServicePU")
private EntityManager em;

After an entity manager has been injected into a resource, it can be called upon to create, return, update, and delete database records working directly with the entity classes. There are also a number of other roles that an EntityManager may play within the context of persistence, including locking and concurrency for transactions, the ability to perform listening and provide callbacks, and entity graphs, to name a few. The following sections outline

Metamodel API

Jakarta Persistence specifies an API that can be used to obtain metadata regarding entities that are managed by a persistence unit. For each entity class that belongs to a particular package, a metamodel class is automatically created by Jakarta Persistence which has the same name as the entity class along with a trailing underscore. The metamodel class contains attributes that correspond to the fields of the entity class. The metamodel class for PetOwner is named PetOwner_, and the following code is contained within the class.

@Static Metamodel(PetOwner.class)
public class PetOwner_ {
  public static volatile SingularAttribute<PetOwner, Long> id;
  public static volatile SingularAttribute<PetOwner, String> firstName;
  public static volatile SingularAttribute<PetOwner, String> lastName;

The metamodel class and attributes play an important role when using the Criteria API to build queries and obtain data from the entity class. The section on Criteria API will provide more information about using the metamodel API.

how to perform basic operations with an Entity Manager.

Creating Database Records

As entity classes map to database tables, they can be used to create new records. Creating a record is as easy as instantiating a new entity class, populating it with data, and persisting it by calling upon the entity manager create() method and passing the new object.

Writing Queries

Jakarta Persistence enables the ability to retrieve data from entity classes. The basic semantics of a query consist of the SELECT clause, the FROM clause, and an optional WHERE clause. Jakarta Persistence offers a few different ways to construct queries, those being: Jakarta Persistence Query Language, Criteria API, and Named Queries. Using Jakarta Persistence Query Language, one can develop SQL-like queries to obtain data from the database through the use of entity classes. The Criteria Query API enables developers to use a CriteriaBuilder to construct queries, compound selections, expressions, predicates, and orderings. Lastly, Named Queries allow one to associate a static Jakarta Persistence Query Language queries to a name, and then call upon those names using an entity manager to execute.

Jakarta Persistence Query Language

Jakarta Persistence Query Language (JPQL) is one of the most commonly used techniques for performing queries on entity classes. Using JPQL syntax, a query can be coded to extract the required data from one or more entity classes, and it can then be stored within a corresponding entity class or a collection of entity classes. Queries are constructed by formulation of a string using the JPQL syntax to query the object(s) from entity classes, as follows:

String query = "select object(o) from PetOwner o";

The query above will retrieve all PetOwner entities, which means that it will return all records within the PET_OWNER database table. Note that the query is written to return an object(o), which is an object of the PetOwner entity. In this case, PetOwner is also referred to as “o”, as the “o” is listed directly after the entity class name as an alias. Within Jakarta Persistence, everything is based upon Java objects. The “from” clause tells the entity manager from which entity class the object(s) should be retrieved.

To execute the query, pass it to the Entity Manager getQuery() method and then call upon getResultSet() to return the collection of PetOwner entities. If only one record will be returned by the query, then call upon getSingleResult():

List<PetOwner> petOwnerList = em.createQuery(query).getResultList();

In JPQL, the WHERE clause specifies which objects to retrieve from the entity by providing conditions to filter the result set. One such type of condition is to specify that an object field is equal to, less than, or greater than some value. Values specified within a JPQL query can be dynamic via the use of parameters. In order to pass named parameters to a JPQL query, use a bind variable in the and then call upon the setParameter() method when invoking the query, passing the bind variable name and the value. It is also possible to utilize positional numbers, rather than bind variables, which utilize a numeric position within the query to substitute for the parameter value. In the following example, the :lastName bind variable will be used to substitute the value passed into the query using setParameter().

Long countOfOwners = (Long) 
     em.createQuery("select count(o) from PetOwner o" +
                   "where o.lastName = :lastName")
       .setParameter("lastName", "JONES")

A large number of expressions can be provided within the WHERE clause so that the result set can be fine tuned. As with standard SQL, it is also possible to order or group the results of the query by specifying a GROUP BY, HAVING or an ORDER BY clause.

After obtaining the data within the collection, it can be traversed and the data can be utilized. It is also possible to retrieve only selected fields from an entity using JPQL, and there are a variety of functions available for use. For instance, to return the count of records within an entity, the count() function can be used as follows:

Long countOfOwners = (Long) 
     em.createQuery("select count(o) from PetOwner o")        

One can also use native SQL to construct a query in situations where JPQL will not accommodate the required query by calling upon createNativeSql() and passing a String-based SQL query. Jakarta EE 10 introduces a number of new functions that can be used with JPQL: CEILING, EXP, EXTRACT, FLOOR, LOCAL DATA, LOCAL DATETIME, LOCAL TIME, LN, POWER, ROUND, and SIGN.

Criteria Query API

The Criteria API enables one to develop queries through the use of object based query definition objects, rather than the use of strings. Through the use of an object graph, it is possible to construct queries in a strongly typed manner which provide results similar to those that can be achieved using JPQL.

The overall sequence for creating and executing a query using the Criteria API is as follows:

  1. Obtain a CriteriaBuilder from the EntityManager by calling getCriteriaBuilder()
  2. Create a CriteriaQuery instance by invoking one of the CriteriaBuilder createQuery() methods and passing the entity class for the desired CriteriaQuery
  3. Create the CriteriaQuery root by calling the from() method of the CriteriaQuery instance, and passing the entity class for the desired root
  4. Specify the type that the query will return by calling upon the select() method of the CriteriaQuery instance
  5. Create a TypedQuery<T> instance to prepare the query for execution, and specify the type of the query result
  6. Call the getResultList() method on the TypedQuery instance to execute the query and obtain the results

The process to obtain all objects from the PetOwner entity class is as follows:

CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Pet> cq = cb.createQuery(PetOwner.class);
Root<PetOwner> petOwner = cq.from(PetOwner.class);;
TypedQuery<PetOwner> tq = em.createQuery(cq);
List<PetOwner> allOwners = q.getResultList();

To obtain a selection of attributes from an object, the metamodel API can be used to specify the desired attributes by name. The following code demonstrates how to obtain the lastName attribute of a PetOwner object:

Root<PetOwner> petOwner = cq.from(PetOwner.class);;

The where() method of the CriteriaQuery can be used to apply conditions that will filter the query results, much like those provided in JPQL. Again, the individual attributes can be applied to expressions using the metamodel API. The Criteria Query API also provides a number of conditional methods to use along with expressions: equal, notEqual, lt, le, gt, ge, eq, between, and like. The following code demonstrates how to obtain all PetOwner objects where lastName is not equal to 'SMITH':

cq.where(cb.notEqual(petOwner.get(PetOwner_.lastName), "SMITH"));

There are a myriad of other functionalities available with the Criteria Query API. Those include grouping, order by, and the ability to apply functions. The following functions are new in Jakarta EE 10: ceiling(), exp(), floor(), localDate(), localDateTime(), localTime(), ln(), power(), round(), and sign(). Also is the ability to use expressions as conditions within Criteria CASE expressions, new with Jakarta EE 10.

Named Queries

Named Queries provide a way to create a statically typed query using JPQL and assign it to a name. The name can then be specified to invoke the query. Named queries can be specified within an entity class using the @NamedQueries annotation. The @NamedQueries annotation contains a grouping of @NamedQuery annotations, which allow a name to be assigned to a string-based JPQL query. The @NamedNativeQuery annotation provides the ability to specify native SQL within a named query. The following code shows how to create a named query for the PetOwner entity class:

    @NamedQuery(name = "PetOwner.findAll", query = "SELECT o FROM PetOwner o"),
    @NamedQuery(name = "PetOwner.findByLast", query = "SELECT o FROM PetOwner o where o.lastName = :lastName")

The entity manager can also be used to create a named query by calling upon its createNamedQuery() method and passing a string based JPQL query to it. The named query can be executed by the Entity Manager, as shown in the following code:

List<PetOwner> owners =

Sql Result Set Mappings

Oftentimes, queries need to return distinct fields, rather than entire objects. When the fields being returned from a query do not correspond to the object relational mapping metadata, a SqlResultSetMapping must be used. This solution enables explicit field mapping to be provided to enable the persistence provider to map the results correctly. A brief example would be if one wishes to create a native query to obtain all pet names along with the pet type. This query will involve a join and it will return fields that are part of more than one entity.

Query qry = em.createNativeQuery("select, t.type " +
    "from PET p, PET_TYPE t " +
    "where = p.type_id");

@SqlResultSetMapping(name="PetTypeResults", entities={
      @EntityResult(entityClass=org.eclipse.entity.Pet.class, fields={
          @FieldResult(name="name", column="name")
      @EntityResult(entityClass=org.eclipse.entity.PetType.class, fields={
          @FieldResult(name="petType", column="pet_type")

Performing Updates and Deletes

Entity managers make it easy to perform updates on an entity. To modify an entity, simply set the new values using the entity class accessor methods and then pass the updated entity to the entity manager merge() method. For instance, to modify the name of a Pet, set the new name and then pass the updated entity to merge() as follows:


To remove an entity (record from a database), pass the entity to the entity manager remove() method.


Note, when performing updates and deletes on an entity, it is typically a good idea to perform the update within the scope of a transaction.

Generating Database Schemas

Jakarta Persistence provides the capability to generate database schema objects when an application is deployed. It can also be configured to load data into the objects and remove the schema objects once the application is destroyed. This may be useful if an application is being used for a demo and the database should be recreated with each new deployment to the container. To specify these schema creation, loading, and removal configurations, provide properties to the persistence context XML configuration within the persistence.xml. The following properties can be embedded inside of the element to configure these generation settings:

  • jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.database.action
    • Values: drop-and-create
  • jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.create-source
    • Value: script
  • jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.create-script-source
    • Value:
  • jakarta.persistence.sql-load-script-source
    • Value:
  • jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.drop-source
    • Value: script
  • jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.drop-script-source
    • Value:

Stored Procedures

A stored procedure is a code construct that is stored within a relational database. When invoked, the stored procedure will execute and can optionally return an outcome. Jakarta Persistence provides the StoredProcedureQuery interface to enable the invocation of database stored procedures. The StoredProcedureQuery interface is an extension of the Query interface. To invoke a stored procedure, the @NamedStoredProcedureQuery annotation can be used to specify the procedure, its parameters, and result type.

The steps to register a stored procedure with the persistence provider are as follows:

  1. Call upon the entity manager createStoredProcedureQuery() method, passing the name of the stored procedure. This will return a StoredProcedureQuery object.
  2. Register stored procedure parameters, if needed, by calling upon the StoredProcedureQuery registerStoredProcedureParameter() method and name, data type, and ParameterMode (IN/OUT).
  3. Execute the stored procedure by calling upon the StoredProcedureQuery execute() method.
  4. Optionally retrieve the result by calling upon the StoredProcedureQuery getOutputParameterValue() method and passing the parameter name.


Jakarta Persistence contains a vast amount of functionality, and this explanation document hardly scratches the surface. However, the use of Jakarta Persistence can also be quite simplistic, depending upon the requirements of the application. Every application using Jakarta Persistence requires a persistence context, and an entity manager is used to facilitate the interactions with the underlying database. There are a number of options for developing queries using Java object mapping. Jakarta Persistence also enables creation, update, and removal of entities, amongst a number of other options.

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